Sunday, June 14, 2009


At Mass this morning we had five children being baptized. Three infants and two siblings, ages three and five. Quite a crowd with all the parents, grandparents and Godparents and other family in attendance.

My wife and I were altar ministers and we had a great view of the Baptisms. As I was watching the action, I was busy guessing which children would be coming through the line where I would be giving Communion.

As the congregation comes through the communion line, I give a blessing to the children who are not old enough to receive the Body of Christ. I enjoy this because the parents love it and the children who are old enough, watch with great fascination as I make the sign of the cross on their forehead. Baptism days are even better because there is chance one of the new Christians will be coming through my line. And when they do, I get to be one of the first members of the church to give them a blessing.

In the midst of my elation this morning, I realized that my hero, Walt, wasn’t in line. Walt is an older, retired gentleman who is usually in the second pew and about the fourth person to receive communion. Walt has that look of wisdom and age about him. He also has a glint in his eye when he receives the bread that tells you he knows there is something very special happening.

I look forward to giving communion to Walt because his smile and that glint in his eye reminds me of the importance of what I am doing and that we are, indeed, the Body of Christ when we receive.

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