Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This blog started out at the request/urging of my daughter and a friend from highschool. I left a desk job at the end of the year and ventured into what my daughter calls "twilight retirement".
In January, I started a new job working part-time at a childcare center.

There have been some advantages to this change. The biggest being that I am enjoying work for the first time in about 30 years. And my blood pressure is down. That pleases my doctor. I also have some time to write. Something I have been meaning to do for about 30 years as well.

While this blog was going to be stories about childcare adventures, it is really about being in my 60th year and trying to figure out what I am going to be when, or if, I grow up. It is going to be the place for me to voice my opinions and thoughts about life in general. Random thoughts from a meandering mind, without interruptions from people who know more than I.

I do not know if anyone will read this blog. Probably my daughter and my friend will because they want to see if I am doing what they encouraged me to do. At the very least, I can read what I wrote and wonder if it makes sense.

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